Conveyor transfer solutions

Go back Rotacaster multidirectional wheel

  • Multidirectional conveyors Multidirectional conveyors (1)
    Optimized for 360° movements, Rotacaster wheel is a high performance wheel which can be deployed in conveyor table and transfer systems.
  • Cylindrical stock or pipe handling Cylindrical stock or pipe handling (1)
    Rotacasters provide a unique solution to managing the handling of cylindrical stock and pipes by enabling simultaneous rotational and longditudinal movement.

Sede operativa : Via Enrico Mattei, n° 9 - 25030 Torbole Casaglia (BS) Tel. 030 2151207
Sede legale : Via Giuseppe Avezzana n° 2 - 00195 Roma (RM)
Tel. 0438.651281
C.F./P.IVA 03717130987 - R.E.A. TV n. 366339 - SDI: M5UXCR1
Capitale Sociale € 500.000,00 i.v.
Omega 2000